Why should holiday hotels and motels install EV chargers?

The Joint EVCD1 is a dual-port electric vehicle charger that is FCC and ETL compliant..

With the surge in electric vehicle (EV) ownership, more and more people are choosing to take long journeys in electric vehicles, which is both environmentally sustainable and fun to travel in. Realising that more EVs will be on the roads in the future, businesses and governments are seizing the opportunity to install EV chargers at popular destinations such as hotels, shopping centers, and car parks. Destination EV chargers cater for the needs of EV drivers, enabling them to charge their vehicles during their stay and helping to promote sustainable transport.

Holiday hotels and motels, as the main resting places for EV owners, can provide charging services to people using EV charger suppliers' EV charging solutions tailored specifically for hotels. Let's explore the benefits and considerations of installing EV chargers at hotels.

Benefits of Installing EV Chargers in Hotels

Resort hotels and motels, often bustling with visitors, are prime locations to offer EV charging solutions. Catering to the needs of EV drivers provides several advantages for both businesses and the environment.

Attracting EV Drivers:

Installing electric vehicle chargers can be a distinctive feature for resorts and motels, attracting environmentally conscious travellers who own electric vehicles. As the number of electric vehicle drivers increases, the provision of charging facilities has become a popular amenity.

Enhanced Guest Experience

Providing EV charging stations enhances the overall guest experience. EV drivers can conveniently charge their vehicles while staying at the hotel, eliminating the concern of finding charging stations elsewhere and contributing to a stress-free travel experience.

Promoting Sustainable Tourism

Resort hotels and motels that invest in EV charging infrastructure contribute to the broader goal of sustainable tourism. This aligns with the growing trend of travelers seeking eco-friendly accommodations, thereby positively impacting the hotel's brand image.

Additional Revenue Streams

Installing commercial EV chargers also presents an opportunity for hotels to generate additional revenue. Charging fees or packages for EV users can contribute to the hotel's overall income.

Competitive Advantage

In a competitive hospitality industry, offering EV charging solutions sets a hotel apart from others. It signals a commitment to staying current with evolving travel trends and catering to the needs of a diverse clientele.

The Joint EVC10 is a commercial EV charger that is charging an electric vehicle

The Joint EVC10 is charging an electric vehicle.

What Type of EV Chargers Should be Installed in Hotel?

When deciding on EV chargers for hotels or motels, understanding the types of chargers available is crucial.

• Level 1 Electric Vehicle Chargers:

These chargers are typically provided by EV manufacturers and are suitable for overnight charging. While convenient for guests, they have a slower charging rate.

• Level 2 Electric Vehicle Chargers:

Offering a faster charging rate, level 2 chargers are ideal for hotels. With a higher power output, they can charge a vehicle more quickly, providing convenience for guests during their stay.

• Level 3 Electric Vehicle Chargers (DC Fast Chargers):

Primarily used in commercial locations, these chargers offer rapid charging, making them suitable for hotels frequented by travelers on the go. However, they require a higher investment and more complex installation.

Considerations for EV Charger Installation

Dynamic Load Balancing:Implementing dynamic load balancing ensures optimal distribution of electricity, preventing overload and enhancing the efficiency of charging stations.

Energy Management and Smart Charging:Integrating energy management systems and smart charging technologies optimizes energy consumption, making the charging process more efficient and cost-effective.

Time-of-Use (TOU)Pricing:TOU is an electricity pricing strategy, which stands for time-of-use, and sets different electricity prices depending on the time of day. Time-varying pricing (TVP) is short for time-varying electricity prices, which are similar to TOU in that different prices are set at different times.

Hotels provide charging services for electric vehicles during periods of low electricity prices, which can help hotel operators more effectively control electricity costs and reduce charging costs. In addition, combined with TOU and time-varying pricing strategies, the hotel can achieve intelligent charging management, improve the utilization efficiency of charging facilities, and provide a more intelligent, convenient and economical charging experience for electric vehicle users.

Customization and Branding:By offering customisation services from Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) hotels can customise their charging stations to include the hotel's logo, preferred look, colours, size and additional features.


Holiday hotels and motels can reap huge benefits by adopting EV charging solutions that are tailored to their unique needs.

Installing the right type of EV charger, adopting advanced technology and utilising customised options can transform these venues into attractive destinations for EV drivers, promoting sustainable tourism practices and enhancing their overall competitiveness in the marketplace. As the world moves towards a greener future, resorts and motels have the opportunity to lead the way in sustainable hospitality.

Post time: Jan-03-2024